Double-entry precision high-temperature oven OVEN-91H-2C下載檔案詳細資料


  檔案名稱:  Double-entry precision high-temperature oven OVEN-91H-2C
  公司名稱:  廣東美狮贵宾会科技有限公司
  下載次數:   143

Double entry precision high temperature oven for industrial and mining enterprises, laboratories, scientific research units for drying, baking, melting wax, sterilization, etc. The two-layer independent temperature control test box uses two control systems to independently control the temperature system of each test box body, so as to facilitate the comparison between the specimens. The equipment also has the characteristics of saving space space and cost saving. This equipment is generally used in electronic products and materials, batteries, batteries, plastic products, metal materials, auto parts, aerospace, university scientific research, etc.
